1. Membership
Membership of the Cunard World Club is automatically
awarded on completion of your first voyage with Cunard.
Voyages and nights on board are awarded to members
following the completion of each Cunard voyage.
Membership is only available to individuals over the age
of 18 and not to groups or companies. Your membership
account must be held in your full name as it appears in
your passport. You must book in your country of
residence and quote your Cunard World Club
membership number and the membership number of all
individuals in your party, at the time of booking to ensure
that memberships are automatically updated and all
benefits are received once on board.
2. Voyages and nights on board
Your membership tier is defined by the number of Cunard
voyages or nights on board you have completed. Voyages
or nights on board will be accrued on completion of the
voyage on which they were earned (except on World
Voyages, where nights on board are accrued at the end
of each segment, as defined by Cunard).
You will not accrue a voyage or nights on board:
in respect of any time spent travelling or in a hotel, for
example as part of a fly-voyage or land tour; in respect
of any time you would have spent on a Cunard ship but
for the cancellation or curtailment of that voyage, for
whatever reason; in respect of time spent by other
members of your party or family (whether or not they are
Cunard World Club members), or for unused berths in
your stateroom; in respect of any nights gained or lost
through travelling over the International Date Line during
a World Voyage or segments of a World Voyage.
Voyages and nights on board are personal to you and
may not be transferred to any other person.
3. Benefits
All benefits are subject to availability and all benefits
may be withdrawn or altered at the absolute discretion
of the Cunard World Club. Without limitation, we reserve
the right to make exclusions or exceptions to the
availability of benefits. Some benefits may not be
available on voyages of 5 nights or less. Benefits are
personal to you and not transferable. No cash alternative
is available. No benefit may be claimed retrospectively,
i.e. by claiming a benefit that you were entitled to claim
but which you did not claim at the time when you were
entitled to do so. claimed in respect of nights spent on
a ship for inaugural and overnight events, as an invitee
of a charterer of a Cunard ship or any voyage on which
you have travelled on a reduced rate fare or as a
concession (a list of concessionary types may be
obtained from us on request). During World Voyages
your benefits will be reset at the end of each segment,
as defined by Cunard. We will invite you to one Cunard
World Club Party and one Senior Officer’s Party, where
applicable, during your time on board. On longer
voyages (which are made up of multiple voyages) or
back to back voyages we may for operational reasons
need to restrict the number of invitations you receive,
where applicable, to the Cunard World Club party and
Senior Officer’s party to one during your time on board.
4. General
Queries relating to Cunard World Club membership
should be addressed to:
Cunard Line UK
00 44 (0)843 373 0305
Cunard Line North America
Cunard Line Australia
1300 300 980
Cunard Line New Zealand
0800 400 838
Cunard Line Germany and Austria
00800 180 84 180
All on board Cunard World Club benefits will be the
same regardless of where you reside. However for
Cunard World Club members who live outside the UK,
North America, Australia, New Zealand and Germany,
we reserve the right not to send you all the information
we send to members resident in these regions, e.g.
promotional mailings and The Cunarder Newsletter.
Brochures showing fares in your local currency may
be obtained from your Cunard travel agent.
We reserve the right to terminate the Cunard World
Club or change these terms and conditions at any time
without notice. Cunard will not be liable for refunds or
for damages resulting from any changes to any aspect
of the Cunard World Club or for damages resulting
from failure to deliver any services forming part of the
programme. You should review these terms and
conditions periodically for changes by visiting: